Annual Fund Campaign

An Our Lady of Hope Regional School Annual Fund gift provides our students the opportunity to be "Rooted in Faith, Nurtured with Love and Empowered by Wisdom."  It also provides invaluable support for programs that allow us to live out our mission to teach and model Catholic values each day.  The knowledge and experience our students gain at Our Lady of Hope will one day take them from the classroom to the board room; as intelligent, considerate and faith filled citizens.

Your gift to the Our Lady of Hope Regional School Annual Fund is used for programs critical in keeping us a premiere elementary school, rich in tradition and full of promise. Generous support to the annual fund provides critical resources such as updated technology, faculty enrichment, lab equipment and continued advancements to our state-of-the-art facilities.

The Our Lady of Hope Regional School Fund supports…Academic Excellence

Keeping up with 21st century technology will not only challenge our students but help them to reach their individual potential.  We work together to fully prepare them not only for high school, but for what awaits them in life.

The HOPE Fund promotes…Catholic values and traditions

Our Catholic identity is an essential part of developing faith in our students. Programs like our kindergarten and 8th grade buddy program help our students put to action the values that are taught to them each day not only in Religion class but by the example of our faculty and their peers.  

The HOPE Fund cultivates…Community Service

Our students learn the importance of helping others through our monthly food drives, clothing drives and various outreach programs. These programs support not only our community but provide our students the opportunity to be life long disciples of service to their school, church and community.

About Our School

Office Hours:
7:30am - 3:15pm

School Hours:
Half Day Sessions- Dismissal 11:30am

Spirit of Hope Day is Wednesday

Pre-K (3) 9:00am-11:30am
(Tuesday & Thursday)

Pre-K (4) 8:30am-2:30pm
(Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

© 2025 Our Lady of Hope Regional School