• Secure and disciplined learning environment
  • Superior academic achievement of Catholic School Students
  • Total education which includes growth in religious awareness and appreciation of morals and values.

Excellence in Academic Achievement
A Catholic education is a challenging education. High standards, strong motivation, effective discipline and an atmosphere of caring combine to foster excellence, and, a high quality of student performance is supported by the evidence.

  • Catholic School students score significantly above the national averages on standardized testing.
  • Research shows that because of a greater emphasis on homework and study, Catholic School students develop more effective writing skills.
  • Catholic High School students attend post-secondary education at a rate in excess of 95% and are more likely to complete their program of studies.
  • Catholic Schools have an excellent success rate in educating minority students.
  • While providing a stimulating and demanding education, Catholic Schools give students a high level of individualized attention and personal sharing. This commitment is reinforced by participation in programs for advanced students and also for those experiencing difficulties in reading, writing, and math.

Smart Investment
A Catholic School education is worth the cost. It's money wisely spent. Your child's tuition is an investment which pays lifelong tangible and intangible dividends.

  • Catholic Schools represent affordable excellence; there is an emphasis on efficiency and accountability.
  • Tuition cost is often supplemented by the parish, so the Catholic community shares the cost of education.
  • In addition to a strong program in the "basics," as well as challenging programs for gifted students, Catholic Schools add the significant "plus" of religious, moral, and spiritual development.
  • Standardized test scores and a college acceptance rate of 97% reflect that our students are self-disciplined, self-motivated, responsible, and creative.
  • in Catholic Schools there is a mutual respect which exists among students, faculty, and administrators which generates an atmosphere of care and concern.
Extra-Curricular Programs
Catholic Schools are committed to the development of the whole student. Extra-curricular activities are regarded as an important part of the total learning experience. A variety of choices is offered to reflect the uniqueness of each student, to generate a healthy sense of competition, to create a spirit of cooperation, and to foster both leadership and creativity.
  • The emphasis is on participation by all students.
  • Drama, forensics, and community service programs are integral parts of the educational process.
  • Appropriate social and cultural activities, under school sponsorship, provide relaxation and creative outlets.
  • Athletics may include football, soccer, track, basketball, cheerleading, bowling, and volleyball.
Family and Community
A Catholic School recognizes the parents and family as primary educators and joins with them to form a living community of shared visions.
  • Catholic Schools help students understand that each person is unique and valuable.
  • Catholic Schools join with the family to help students understand their special place in the family, the Church, and society.
  • Catholic Schools encourage family input and involvement in the ongoing education of their children. Research shows that such a partnership results in higher attendance rates and lower dropout rates.
  • Catholic Schools strive to create a special bond among the students, the home, the school, and the church, so that all share the strong sense of community.
  • Every child shares in an educational environment filled with love and concern -- a community joining together to help create a better world.
Maintaining High Standards
Catholic Schools engage in an ongoing process of evaluation, certification, and accreditation of both teachers and programs. Their accountability guarantees the maintenance of Catholic School's traditionally high standards.
  • The Catholic School curriculum meets all state regulations and guidelines. In addition, diocesan guidelines require a strong religious education curriculum.
  • Catholic School faculty members are fully qualified professionals committed to bringing out the best in their students as they grow in knowledge, skills, and values.
  • Association with agencies such as the Middle States Association and the National Catholic Education Association, as well as with Diocesan Education Offices, helps provide programs and instruments for internal and external evaluations on an ongoing basis.

About Our School

Office Hours:
7:30am - 3:15pm

School Hours:
Half Day Sessions- Dismissal 11:30am

Spirit of Hope Day is Wednesday

Pre-K (3) 9:00am-11:30am
(Tuesday & Thursday)

Pre-K (4) 8:30am-2:30pm
(Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

© 2025 Our Lady of Hope Regional School