Sample Kindergarten Day
- Prayers, Calendar, Flag Salute, Jobs, Sharing, Circle Activities
- Reading Readiness:
- Phonics – Language Activities, Printing, Centers
- Stories , Songs, Creative Dramatics
- Snack
- Math Centers
- Computers, Library, Music, Physical Education, Health, Spanish, Art, Guidance
- Recess/Lunch
- Rest Time
- Religion
- Social Studies and Science
- Dismissal
Kindergarten Curriculum
The reading curriculum is a comprehensive reading-language arts program. It contains and correlates reading, handwriting, auditory and oral language skills for children who do not know how o read or write. It provides children with a thorough understanding of the letters of the alphabet and their sounds – the most basic elements of our spoken and written language.
This program is the foundation for a child’s understanding of letters as written symbols for spoken sounds. The child learns about the alphabet: the letter names, how to write the letters, what sounds the letters represent, and what functions the letters serve as their sounds are blended to form words. This program is a multi-sensory program of visual, kinesthetic, and auditory activities, which meets the specialized needs of the beginning student. It develops manual dexterity, perceptual awareness, and other essential readiness skills. Above all else, it produces in the beginner a high degree of involvement and motivation so vital for success at this early stage of learning.
The math curriculum is a complete and balanced program, focusing on numerical fluency, conceptual understanding, and problem solving. Concepts presented include:
- Sorting and classifying
- Positions and patterns
- Graphing
- Geometry and fractions
- Money
- Measurement
- Calendar, time and temperature
- Numbers 0 – 30
- Addition
- Subtraction
Our Religion program is deeply rooted in Church Tradition. In its dependence on and faithfulness to both the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the General Directory for Catechesis, it remains true to magisterium, or teaching office of the church, and draws from the following sources of Catholic wisdom:
- Scripture
- Doctrine
- Lives of Saints and People of Faith
- Cultural Customs and Celebration