The curriculum at Our Lady of Hope follows the guidelines and standards of the Diocese of Camden in compliance with the New Jersey Core Standards in Curriculum. We are also accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

Curriculum by Subject Matter


OLOH strives to bring the Good News of Jesus to all students in Pre-K through 8th grade.

The fundamentals of our faith begin in the primary grades where students are taught about God’s love.  They begin their journey of spiritual growth striving to develop their Catholic faith as they prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.

The middle grade curriculum instructs students in the study of the Trinity and the role of the Blessed Mother in the church.  We strive to develop a greater awareness of the sacraments, commandments and beatitudes in their lives as exemplified in the lives of the saints.

The Upper grades focus on the study of salvation history as it is taught through the Hebrew Scriptures. Students come to know their ties to the Jewish people and the promise of Jesus, a savior whom God would send to His people. Preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation is a two year process, which begins in the 7th grade and concludes with reception of the sacrament.


Students on all levels utilize a hands-on approach in learning various math concepts.

At the primary level, students are introduced to and study whole numbers, numeration, estimation, measurement, and computation. They learn how to tell time and the value of money. They study geometry and explore the basics of division, multiplication, and fractions.

In the middle grades students delve deeper into the concepts learned at the primary level with the addition of place value, fractions, decimals, as well geometric principles.

In the Upper grades basic skills in math are continued with the introduction of percents, probability, ration and proportion, geometry, exponents, and algebraic formulas.  The advanced students have a pre-algebra course in 7th grade and continue to Algebra I in 8th grade.


OLOH Language Arts program is rooted in a whole language based philosophy. The students learn spelling, grammar, and phonics through the exploration of various themes in literature, anthologies and trade books.  Students are taught to communicate effectively with purpose, to understand and respond to language, to develop and apply critical thinking skills and apply standard English language conventions.  Student achievement is assessed through journals, project presentations, conferencing, tests and portfolios.


Students at the primary level begin with an appreciation of self and others. The curriculum expands to include the family, communities, holidays, and current events.

The middle grades identify and describe the physical and political characteristics of worldwide communities – past, present and future.  They gain a better understanding of their own community with the study of New Jersey. The Western Hemisphere is explored with the study of Canada, Mexico and Latin America.

The emphasis in the upper grades is on the understanding of world civilizations both past and present.  There is a chronological study of American History beginning with a study of Pre-Columbian times and concluding with the 21st century.  Geography skills, current events, civic duties and cultural diversity are stressed throughout the curriculum.


Throughout the primary, middle and upper grades, the children are exposed to the physical, earth and life sciences through an explorative, hands-on approach.  In the physical science area the students study simple machines, electricity, magnetism, force and motion, light and sound. Earth science explores rocks and minerals, fossils, weather, plants and space.  Life science includes the study of the human body and animals.  Concepts move from the familiar to the more abstract with each grade level.  Students participate in experiments and projects.  Lab reports and dissection are also a focus in the middle grades.


In computer classes students earn basic computer literacy terms.  Proper keyboarding techniques are stressed.  Word processing is an important part of the curriculum and databases and spreadsheets are introduced in the upper grades.  Software programs are used to reinforce and enrich many of the subjects. The Internet is used for research and emphasis is placed on safe surfing and scanning websites for specific information.  Students are introduced to the use of email and the construction of web pages.


A general music program is built on a spiral curriculum approach for grades K through 8. Rote singing, folk songs and movement are offered with emphasis on experiences involving various instruments.  Music history and composers are taught and creating original compositions are encouraged at the upper level with increased theory, notation and terminology skills.


Throughout the primary, middle and upper grades the students are exposed to a variety of art activities used to develop the basic elements of art in line, form, color, values, perspective and textures.  These basic elements are further developed in crafts and seasonal activities.  Art activities are also used as an extension of other curriculum areas.


Students in the primary grades will demonstrate competency in various basic movement forms such as running, jumping, and throwing.  Emphasis is also placed on skills such as balance, spatial awareness, coordination and self expression.

In the middle grades, students will demonstrate mature forms in various loco motor patterns as well as selected manipulative and non-loco motor skills. Students will learn to solve movement problems and control body balance on increasingly smaller scales.  Time is allotted for rules, regulations, safety and sportsmanship.

Students in the upper level are given tasks that address fine motor skills as well as cognitive skills.  Emphasis is placed on technique and reinforcement of rules, procedure, safety, and sportsmanship.  Students work in cooperative groups in order to accomplish goals.  All activities are utilized to increase cardiovascular and muscular strength while building self-confidence.

About Our School

Office Hours:
7:30am - 3:15pm

School Hours:
Half Day Sessions- Dismissal 11:30am

Spirit of Hope Day is Wednesday

Pre-K (3) 9:00am-11:30am
(Tuesday & Thursday)

Pre-K (4) 8:30am-2:30pm
(Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

© 2025 Our Lady of Hope Regional School