For the safety and security of students and staff, the following policies and guidelines are in place for school field trips and programs that require students to be transported away from our school campus.

Directives from the Bishop under the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, issued in 2002 requires that all school staff and volunteers who work with children and youth  be fingerprinted and attend a CAP session ( Child Assault Prevention Program).

Based upon our diocesan directive, all staff and volunteers who have charge of students must meet the requirements under the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. Moving forward, the school administration has no latitude in the enforcement of this directive.

When chaperones are deemed necessary for a class trip to insure the safety and security of the students, teachers, with the approval of the administration, will determine the number required and select chaperones that have reached their 21st birthday and meet the requirements of the diocesan directive. Selected chaperones will be charged to manage a group of students in their care and are required to follow directive given by the teacher. Chaperoning is a serious responsibility not to be taken lightly.

On most trips having lunch/dinner is part of the trip itinerary.  Under no circumstances should alcoholic drinks be purchased or brought to the event.   Ordering drinks in a restaurant even if students are not sitting with the chaperone is not permitted.

We need to remember that these are school trips and not family outings.

Your cooperation and support of these policies is critical in maintaining a safe and enjoyable experience for students, teachers and chaperones.

About Our School

Office Hours:
7:30am - 3:15pm

School Hours:
Half Day Sessions- Dismissal 11:30am

Spirit of Hope Day is Wednesday

Pre-K (3) 9:00am-11:30am
(Tuesday & Thursday)

Pre-K (4) 8:30am-2:30pm
(Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

© 2025 Our Lady of Hope Regional School