
Welcome to Our Lady of Hope Regional School’s Before & After School Program.  The program is sponsored and administered by the school, and it is the goal of those responsible for this service to provide a safe, orderly, clean, and supervised environment for your children.  This year we will be offering childcare from 6:30 AM –7:30AM each morning.  The After School Program is available every day that school is in session (except the days indicated on the school calendar) and runs from 2:35PM until 6:00PM. On most half-days, the program is in session from 11:30AM- 6:00PM

Registration and Fees

Fees collected by the program are the sole support of the program.  The school or the parish does not subsidize it.  A non-refundable registration fee of $15 per child must accompany the registration form.  You will be charged a weekly rate of $60 for full time care or $15 per day for part-time care.  This rate includes morning care.  If your child is only attending morning care, the cost is $5.00 per day.  You will not be charged extra for half days.

Forms for registration are enclosed and should be returned to school no later than August 30th.  Be sure the envelope is clearly marked “After School Program”.Please indicate, on the registration form, the day in which your child will begin the program.

A late fee of $10 per any/every part of 15 minutes late, after 6:00, will be charged.  This payment is due when you pick up your child.  Staff members are employed only until 6:00.  It is a matter of common courtesy to respect this closing time.  There is a separate email and phone line for the After School Program - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  (856-227-7115) which parents may use to notify staff if there is an emergency situation (traffic, accidents, weather, etc.).  This line should be used for any communication regarding the program.

Payments are to be made on a weekly basis, or advanced monthly payment.  Cash or personal checks are acceptable.  Checks are to be made to Our Lady of Hope After School Program.  Payments should be given to the program administrator when picking up your child.  You will receive a receipt with each payment you make.  Please retain these receipts for your records.  The tax ID number is: #272-548-902.


If your child will not be attending the program on his/her scheduled day, you must send in a note to your child’s teacher.  If your child will be staying on a day they are not scheduled, you must call the school and send in a note with your child’s teacher.

Emergencies and Safety

Minor medical emergencies will be treated by the program’s staff.  You will be notified immediately of any serious injury or illness.   In case of serious injury or illness, you will be expected to come to school as soon as possible to pick up your child.  In the event the injury or illness requires hospital attention, your child will be transported to the designated hospital.

You will be required to complete a medical consent form at the beginning of the school year.  It is important to include all pertinent information on this form. (allergies, medical insurance number, doctors, etc)  Medications will not be given without both a written statement form your physician and a written statement from the parent.  This policy applies to over the counter medications as well as prescriptions.

Children must be signed out daily and are not permitted to leave the school premises unless they are signed out by a parent or authorized person.  It is very important that you notify the program’s administrator of any changes regarding telephone numbers or people authorized to pick up your children.  Proper identification must be presented to the administrator when picking up your child.  Children cannot leave with another child in the program unless written permission is given to the program’s administrator.


Time is set-aside during the program for homework.  It is the responsibility of each child to use this time to complete homework assignments.  The After School Program’s staff will help students who need it but they are not responsible for insuring completion of homework.  It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure the successful completion of homework assignments.

Expectations for Children’s Behavior

Every child enrolled in this service is expected to follow the code of behavior established for Our Lady of Hope School.  All children are expected to respect the staff, each other, and all school property.   An extended day program may not be something to which all children can adapt.  In the event of an ongoing problem, the child will not be permitted to remain in the program.


There is snack time set aside each day.  Parents are responsible for providing snacks for their children.  On half days, children must also bring their lunches.  Please pack healthy, non-messy snacks for your children.  Gum and glass bottles are not permitted.


The program’s staff is not responsible for school clothing.  Children must bring a change of clothing each day.  Immediately following the regular school day, children will have time to change into their play clothes.  Outside activity is part of the program and this should be considered when packing your children’s play clothes.  Sandals, flip-flops, and skirts/dresses are not permittedPlease label your child’s school uniform, ties, belts, shirts, pants, and shoes to ensure that there are no “mix-ups.”

Inclement Weather

The After School Program will be in session every day that school is in session.  If school is canceled due to snow or an emergency situation, the After School Program will also be closed.  If school has an early dismissal due to snow or another emergency, you will be notified and we ask that you do your best to pick your child up to ensure everybody’s safety.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the after school program at (856)227-7115 or send in a message addressed to the after school program at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


About Our School

Office Hours:
7:30am - 3:15pm

School Hours:
Half Day Sessions- Dismissal 11:30am

Spirit of Hope Day is Wednesday

Pre-K (3) 9:00am-11:30am
(Tuesday & Thursday)

Pre-K (4) 8:30am-2:30pm
(Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

© 2025 Our Lady of Hope Regional School